Thursday, April 24, 2008

i've been a sick chick

greetings. i've been out of commission since tuesday the 15th. went home from work sick, spent 3 days on the couch, threw in the towel friday and had dennis take me in to the e.r. where a very nice doctor diagnosed pneumonia and sinus infection---- worse yet they made me stay. i got out tuesday and have never been so happy to be home in my life!!

5 days in the hospital is enough to kill a person!

the quality of the weekend staff coverage at the hospital was so scary--i was so thankful that i wasn't out of my head so i could kind of nurse myself, but that got pretty tiring. dennis took time off this week and is taking good care of me at home. i go back to work monday and do some medical follow-up after that.

so that's my boring tale of my life the last week or so. things will be looking up soon, i can feel it!

Monday, April 14, 2008

when it rains, it pours....

have you ever felt like this in your work environment?
you think you have plenty of self-protection from the raining down cats 'n dogs of b.s. but it just isn't enough??
even with the rubber suit and galoshes you wear to work everyday?
even though you are an intelligent, mature person with a decent self-image and a fairly thick skin?
lately i've been feeling very exposed to the elements around me.
but i've been also been dwelling on it too much; you know, when "thinking" becomes unhealthy "stewing"...
so as of today i have a new mantra. and i wanted to share it because it covers a whole world of hurts.
you might like to use it sometime when you are caught without your umbrella....

"There are times when God asks nothing of his children except silence, patience, and tears."

Friday, April 4, 2008

"so what's new at your house?"

" went down to the basement last nite. walked into the new bedroom/office and "squish, squish, squish" went the sound of the saturated carpeting under my feet, and "#*+^&*!" said i.

i would estimate 15 gallons of water on the floor.

dennis spent this morning vaccuuming all he could get out of the carpeting and then tearing it out---there'd be no way to dry it thoroughly. it would be mold city in no time. not healthy.

ah, life......

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

'nuff said...

"The trouble with practical jokes is that they very often get elected."
~~Will Rogers