Friday, October 31, 2008

dear lord...

dear lord,

please extend today's gorgeous weather thru tomorrow.

i have a multitude of tulip bulbs yet to plant.

and hyacinths.

and narcissus.

(big clearance sale at menard's)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

what have i been doing lately???

ah yes, it's flu shot clinic time again.
they're all there an hour early, and they all want to be first.
some people never grow up.
but i love 'em for it.
you will grow older, but you can stay immature forever.
flu clinics are where i have met some of the wisest souls ever.
and also some of the wiseass-iest.

long time no blog

i've picked my candidate, i'm voting for my candidate, enough already.
give us a break and give the rest of the ad money to the food pantries in our country.
and give the equivalent of sarah's 150K wardrobe to battered women's shelters.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

question: "whadja thinka that dibait th'other nite?"

my answer: "he wandered around the stage so aimlessly throughout that i thought he might need to be fitted with a gps! i'm relieved that he didn't topple off the thing into someones' lap."