Monday, September 24, 2007

taking a different road. see you "up there"

happy monday, everyone. i am writing today to let you know that i am no longer just another lapsed catholic. being a member of the catholic church has left me empty and uninspired for many years. when i was still actively "going to church" i would spend the entire time daydreaming about everything under the son--whoops, was that just a freudian slip typo??--under the SUN is what i meant. i would leave as empty as when i arrived. i felt closer to the higher power gardening than i did at church.
since last december i have been sporadically attending st. paul's episcopal church here in marinette.
i had done some web research on all different religions, what they do and don't believe, who they welcome into their midst, etc. the episcopal church seemed to be the one to check out, so i've been doing just that. it's been such a good experience. i'm not going to go all jesus-y on you. suffice it to say that when i go to church now, i'm there. and it feels right. this week i am going to go in and officially sign up.
i've had a talk with fr. bill at st. paul's about feeling hypocritical as a catholic--how i disagree with so many of their teachings that i can't be one anymore, but feel that there might be a special door in hell marked "evie" if i leave.
and he said, "well, you know, the episcopal church is a little like the catholic church---it has all of the pageantry, but none of the guilt."
SOLD. a priest with a great sense of humor. count me in!!

ps--the episcopal shield above is the logo (not very reverant, but that's what it is) for the episcopal church in the usa. i know the colors, etc. have meaning but i don't know what they are yet. it's symbolic of the links between the anglican church, the episcopal usa, etc.

i'll keep you posted on my progress being saved. (no, they don't preach that....)


Anonymous said...


Was it not said "The kingdom of Heaven is within you"


evie dieck said...

yes, you're right--and it was also said that "I am under your feet as well as above your head"...and something about not being inside a building of stone...but i am not real bible literate