Monday, March 10, 2008

why do i do this?

i've been asking myself why i got started on this blogging stuff. and why i keep it up--albeit sporadically, depending on my mood.

there are so many blogs that are much more tech-savvy than mine---they have reader polls, and lists of recipes, and lists of music and videos that one can click on and enjoy--or not, lists of the blogger's favorite blogs, and blah, blah, blah.

i don't have a list of favorite blogs that i read because i don't usually read other people's blogs. i don't have the time. and i don't want to make cyber-friends with other bloggers. i guess i am a cyber-snob.

i thought it would be cool to start a web diary of sorts to look back on now and again. but it doesn't contain my most private thoughts, feelings and struggles.

i wanted to be able to keep in touch with family and friends in a new way. but i didn't want them to feel obligated to be blog-ees.

a blog sounded like a good way to fool around with my camera and my love of all things natural and to discipline myself to channel my daydreaming/deep thoughts into something maybe a little more organized and constructive for myself.

so you will never see a hit counter on my blog. or advertising. if no one other than myself ever reads my blog that is ok with me, since i started it mostly to please myself. if it happens to give pleasure to someone else, that is frosting on the cake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you already know it gives me lots of pleasure to read this!! i think you do a great job so keep it up!!! Lots of fun to read your creative episodes in your life!!!
Lets have lunch again soon!!